In the world of flowers, some flowers surprisingly mimic vegetables. There are a variety of flowers that look like cabbage. We eat real cabbage, but surprisingly its doppelgangers are some flowers. Planting and growing something unique and attractive amaze your friends and family. So, it will be best to plant flowers that give a cabbage appearance to make people wonder if that is a flower or cabbage.
Let’s dive into the brief details and features of some wonderful flowers that look like cabbages. Discover some unique plants that look like cabbage flowers in this blog guide.
What Are the Flowers That Look Like Cabbage
1. Color-Up-Pink
The common name of the color-up pink flower is Flowering kale or Ornamental cabbage. It is found mainly in hardiness zones 2 to 11. This flower resembles cabbage and requires neutral or alkaline soil to grow well. This plant that looks like cabbage flowers falls under the cabbage category of species B.
The color-up-pink flower has minty-green leaves with blushing dark centers and grows fast, so it seems perky in the gardens. Its cabbage-like flower petals are long and purplish-pink. The color of the flower depends on two factors: the temperature below 50 degrees and the time between 40 and 60 days. Its pink color appears after 54 days. This beautiful flower is native to the Mediterranean and Western and Southern Europe.
2. Condor
Condors are commonly known as Ornamental Cabbages because they have a great resemblance to the cabbages. They grow vigorously in 2 to 11 hardiness zones and need ideally moist soil for optimal growth rate. The condor flowering plant has unusually long stems and is 30 inches tall. It is native to Western and Southern Europe.
Their petite heads look stunning in a group of eight or more. It is one of the most famous flowers that look like cabbage leaves. This is because of its bright green outer leaves rounded around the white leaves with a hint of blush. This beautiful condor flower is the best addition to winter garden containers. It has various colors, including white and red, with white and red centers.
3. Osaka Red
The common name of the Osaka red flower is Flowering Cabbage. Osaka red flower requires loamy and rich soil to nurture well. The stunning Osaka red flower has outer leaves of a purple ring. Its center is vibrant magenta, making it look like a colorful cabbage. This vigorous flowering plant is eight inches wide and 12 inches tall.
You will notice its intense color scheme when the temperature reaches 35 to 45 degrees. Fuchsia and purple colors appear against the background of snow. It needed total sun exposure to grow efficiently and beautifully. This beautiful cabbage-shaped flower is native to Western and Southern Europe.
4. Pigeon Red
The flower is commonly known as Pigeon Red ornamental cabbage. It thrives in cold climates and has a cabbage-like appearance. Sandy loam to clay loam soil is essential for its optimal growth. Pigeon Red is one of the well-known flowers that look like cabbage plants. Its outer leaves are green foliage that is enhanced by the white veining with a center of blushing pink color.
Before the average frost in your area, it was good to seed this plant about six weeks ago. When the temperature drops, your plant will achieve a significant transplant that will look amazing in your garden. When you seed this plant, do not cover it after pressing it into the soil because it needs full sun to sprout. The pigeon red flowering plant is native to Western and Southern Europe.
5. Rose Bouquet
Rose bouquets are commonly known as Rosebud flowering kale. They are found in cold climates and mimic cabbages. Their soil requirements include rich, well-drained, and loamy soil. The wavy green foliage and lush pink color of the rose bouquet flower work very well in every garden.
It looks fantastic even if you grow only a single flower in a garden. Rose bouquet flowers need well-drained soil with a generous amount of composted manure and other beneficial organic matters. This plant grows 12-18 inches tall. It needs total sun exposure to grow. Rose bouquet flowers are native to Mediterranean Western and southern Europe.
6. Pigeon White
The common name for Pigeon flowers is Pigeon White flowering kale. This cabbage resembles a flowering plant that grows in cold climates and requires well-drained clayey loamy or sandy soil. Pigeon white plant has flowers that look like cabbage roses are the best, with creamy white centers that look like icing on the cake.
Due to its delightful looks, it appeals to many pests of a vegetable garden. This flowering plant is like a cabbage and thrives in the spring and fall. This white rose-like flower grows 8-12 inches tall and requires sun exposure to thrive best. Color varieties in this flower are purple and pink. It is native to Western and Southern Europe.
7. Tokyo Pink
Tokyo pink flowers are known commonly as Tokyo Pink ornamental kale. These are grown in cold climates and require good-drained soil for optimal growth. Tokyo pinks mimic cabbages and are native to native to Western and Southern Europe.
Tokyo pink is one of the flowers that look like little cabbages, and it makes the replacement joyful of planting this flower instead of cabbage in the garden. The leaves that form a dense center make this Tokyo pink flower one of the best cabbage-like flowering series to display in the garden or lawn. Tokyo-pink flower grows up to 8-12 inches tall and needs total sun exposure to thrive.
8. Tokyo White
Tokyo white has a great resemblance to the cabbages which is why it is known as ornamental cabbage. This flower is found mainly in areas with cold climates and thrives in well-drained soil with plenty of compost. The Tokyo white cabbage-like flower will satisfy your white rose craving in winter’s deprivation.
Its circular and rounded leaves transition to white with veining. The creamy blush center of the flower looks stunning in a mass planting, making the garden look decent and captivating. Tokyo white flower prefers to stay in total sun exposure to thrive and goes up to 8-12 inches. It is specifically native to Western and Southern Europe.
9. Tokyo Red
Tokyo red flowering plant thrives in cold areas and mimics cabbage. It requires well-drained soil with added compost. Tokyo red cabbage-like flowering plant is the same as the other two Tokyo flowers. Their round and compact central head features colorful foliage.
Tokyo red flower has a hot pink center with bluish-green foliage that takes almost 40 days to develop entire colors. They prefer to live in total sun exposure to enjoy their growth and give a happy appearance. Tokyo red flower grows up to 8-12 inches tall and is native to Western and Southern Europe.
10. Globe Artichoke
Globe Artichokes resemble cabbages but it has spikes. This flower thrives in cold climates. However, it can also grown in climates with mild winters. Its botanical name is Cynara cardunculus. Its optimal growth requires well-drained soil with the addition of compost.
Artichoke has rounded, large layers of thick green, overlapped leaves that make it resemble the cabbage. The unopened bud of the artichoke flower is edible. Its color is deep green, however, it comes in other colors depending on the climate conditions. This flowering plant ranges from 3 to 6 inches in diameter. They are native to the Mediterranean and North Africa.
Planting and growing something unique and captivating is the best idea to make your gardens attractive. In addition,planting flowers that look like cabbage is the best idea. This article explores 10 cabbage look-alikes to add vibrant beauty to your garden. The unique features along with the visuals of these enchanting flowers help you choose a fantastic flower to plant and grow in your garden.
1. Which Plant Exactly Looks Like a Cabbage Head?
Many flowers look like cabbage, but one of the most well-known is ornamental cabbage, which has the exact shape of a cabbage. When the summer season ends and blooms are fading, the fall and winter are the best times to grow this beautiful plant. Most colors found in this flower are pink, red, purple, and green.
2. Is Floral Cabbage Eatable?
Kale and ornamental cabbage are the same as broccoli, edible cabbage, and cauliflower. Kale and ornamental cabbage are eatable, so you can eat them. They have a bitter flavor, and people often use them in a culinary setting.
3. What is the best climate to grow Ornamental Cabbage?
Ornamental cabbages grow vigorously in areas with cold climates with a minimum temperature of -4 degrees.