10 Beautiful Flowers That Look Like Balls

Selecting the flowers for a garden is a fun task to enjoy a variety of flowers and give your garden an aesthetic look. Flowers that look like balls are the best choice to add a touch of geometric charm to your garden. In the world of flowers, an amazing variety looks like a ball of flowers plant blooms having a variety of colors and texture is present.

Flowers that look like little balls and are spherical give a texture contrast between horizontal and vertical foliage flowers in your garden. This article explores details of 10 unique and beautiful flowers that look like big balls from pom-pom Dahlias to the fascinating Allium globes. So, read till the end to add a playful pop-up of colors and spheres to your garden!

In This Article

What Are the Flowers That Look Like Balls

Let’s take a brief look at the 11 vibrant and eye-catching ball-like flowers:

1. Alliums

image of purple allium flowers that look like balls

The common name of Alliums is Ornamental onions and its botanical name is Amaryllidaceae. These flowers resemble balls and their hardiness zones may vary according to the species. Dry and sandy soil is best for the speedy growth of Alliums. The allium plant is one of the prettiest flowers that look like purple balls. Allium’s plant can grow up to 10 inches tall with a long, thick green stem.

They came in various colors, including pink, purple, and white. Alliums bloom in late spring and early summer, making your gardens look stunning with their bright colors. Its large round purple blooms give a pleasing look to the viewers. It belongs to the monocotyledon flowering plant that has hundreds of species and is native to Eastern Europe, Siberia, and Turkey.

2. Craspedia 

Image of yellow craspedia flowers that look like balls

Craspedias are commonly known as Billy Balls whereas, their botanic name is Craspedia variabilis. These ball-shaped flowers thrive best in the hardiness zones 8-11 and require clay, chalk, or loamy soil for best growth. Craspedias are a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Asteraceae family. These are flowers that look like yellow balls with a bright and fresh coloring scheme.

The plant is native to New Zealand and Australia and grows in different varieties. Craspedia is also known as drumsticks because of its round appearance. These little flowers bloom on long stems that are slender in shape. After blooming for a specific time, they turn dry to make an excellent and long-lasting flower arrangement. 

3. Echinops

image of purple Echinop flowers that look like balls

The common name of the Echinop flower is Globe thistles, and its botanic name is Echinopes bannaticus. They grow vigorously in 2 to 9 hardiness zones and well-drained soil. Echinops are flowers that look like puff balls because of their puffy appearance and add an appealing look to your garden. 

It can grow up to 3-4 feet tall, and the long, thick stems have lovely, bright, bluish-purple round flowers. The stunning appearance of the echinops is due to their green leaves. These are clump-forming flowers that look like green balls and deep-steel blue flowers that bloom in summer at the top of the stem. This beautiful flower is native to Europe. 

4. Dahlias

image of peach color dahlia flowers that look like balls

Dahlias are commonly known as Valley Flowers, and botanically known as Dahlia pinnata. These ball-shaped flowers grow in hardiness zones 8 to 10. They require loosened and well-drained soil to nurture well. Dahlias are fascinating flowers that look like round balls with a fresh orange color that starts blooming from mid-summer to the fall. Dahlia flowers have many colors, including pink, red, orange, and yellow. 

It is a stunning flower because of its large, colorful petals. The plant is a perennial with cut or toothed leaves that look beautiful. Disk and ray flowers bloom on wild species of dahlias. It is not a very demanding flower; you can grow and enjoy its growth with little care. Dahlias are native to Guatemala, Mexico, and Central America.

5. Marigold

image of orange marigold flowers

The common name of the Marigold flower is the Mexican marigold. However, its botanic name is Tagetes Erecta. These are flowers that look like yellow balls but not perfectly round. They require evenly humid loamy, clay, or sand-based soil to grow and thrive in hardiness zones 2 to 11. The marigold flower is a globular bloom with pretty small petals.

There is little variety in its colors including yellow and orange color flowers that are bright and beautiful. The marigold flower has a natural and simple look with little and ruffled petals. This gorgeous flowering plant is native to America and Mexico. It requires deficient maintenance and is easy to grow. The flowers bloom from early summer to late fall and display bright colors. 

6. Agapanthus

image of Agapanthus flowers that look like balls

Agapanthus flowers are known, commonly as African lilies, and botanically as Agapanthus spp. These round-shaped flowers are nurtured in hardiness zones 8-10. Their good growth requires clayey, loamy, or chalky soil. Agapanthus flowers that look like cotton balls and have blue blooms. People often call this flower an African lily. 

The dwarf variety of this flower is a perfect choice for any garden. Agapanthus flowers bloom from mid-spring to the early summer. This plant belongs to the herbaceous perennials and has curved basal and linear leaves that grow up to 60cm long. This beautiful ball-like flowering plant is native to South Africa. There are various flower colors, including purple, blue, and white.

7. Hydrangeas

image of pink and blue color hydrangea flowers that look like balls

They are commonly known as Lace cap hydrangea, whereas their botanic name is Hydrangea macrophylla. This round-shaped flower thrives in hardiness zones 5 to 9. Loamy soil or soil with many organic matters is perfect for its best growth. Hydrangeas are white flowers that look like balls with showy and long flowerheads. 

This flowering plant is one of the stunning flowers with various colors in a single flower. Its round, umbrella-shaped clusters are blue, white, pink, and purple. If you see blue flowers, it means the soil is acidic. This beautiful and colorful flower is native to Japan and China. The plant’s stem grows up to 2 meters high and gives a pleasing effect to the gardens. 

8. Thrift Flowers

image of thrift flowers that look like balls

The common name of Thrift Flower is Sea Pinks whereas, the botanic name is Armeria maritima. These flowers resemble balls and thrive in 4 to 8 hardiness zones. Thrift Flowers demands rich and well-drained soil for good growth.

Thrift flowers that look like balls are clumping perennials and are a perfect choice for home decoration. This flower’s variety of color schemes includes purple, pink, white, and red. This flowering plant prefers to grow in total sun exposure and does not like shady areas. Once the plant reaches its mature size, it can tolerate drought conditions. The thrift plant is an evergreen herb with long stems and needle-like leaves. This plant can grow up to 20-50cm in height and is native to America, coastal areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 

9. Chrysanthemums

image of blooming chrysanthemum flowers

Chrysanthemums are commonly known as Mums, and botanically as Chrysanthemum cultivars. These are ball-shaped rounded blooms that thrive in hardiness zones 5-9. Chrysanthemums require fertile, well-prepared, sandy, or loamy soil. Chrysanthemums are well-known fall flowers and are popular because of their round, ball-like appearance. 

This beautiful flower has many colors, including yellow, white, purple, and pink. With their compact round shape, the chrysanthemums are the best choice for the garden at 15 inches tall. This beautiful flowering plant belongs to the genus of chrysanthemums and the family Asteraceae. The plant is native to East Asia.

10. Viburnums 

image of white viburnum flowers that look like balls

Vibranums are commonly known as European cranberry bush, however, their botanic name is Viburnum opulus. They are round-shaped flowers that look like popcorn balls and thrive in 5 to 7 hardiness zones. Moist and slightly acidic soil is ideal for Vibranums. The viburnum is a Chinese snowball flower that blooms from late spring to early summer. It can grow to 12-20 feet tall and 6-8 inches wide. Its beautiful little flowers look like snowballs.

This lovely flower looks stunning with its tall height and variety of colors. The fragrance range goes from sweet to musky, and the flowers are found primarily in white, which varies until the pink color. It is one of the highbush plants native to Asia and Europe. The blooms have a flat top that looks like a lace cap. 


After reading the article, you must have concluded which ball-shaped flowers are best for your garden to enhance its beauty. We have described fantastic 10 ball-shaped flowers including alliums, craspedia, echinops, dahlias, marigolds, agapanthus, hydrangeas, thrift flowers, chrysanthemums, and viburnums. So, with this information, you can choose the perfect ball-shaped flower to give a pleasing and aesthetic look to your garden!


1. What is a common Ball like Flower Called?

The flower that looks like a ball is Allium. It is also known as ornamental onion and blooms in spring until late summer. Allium flowers are round, ball-shaped, famous flowers because of their unique appearance and ability to make gardens catchy and attractive. 

2. What Is a Bobo Flower?

Bobo is a hydrangea flowering plant with large white flowers that bloom in summer. The flowers of this plant hold firmly with the stems and continue their growth as they bloom. There is no flipping in these flowers; they turn pink after blooming. 

3. Which Flowers Looks Like A Balls?

Hydrangeas are the unique varieties of flowers that are ball shaped. This flower comes in various variety of colors and sizes.

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